相澤徹カルテット『TACHIBANA』: 若き才能とジャズに狂った富豪の話




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それに際してUKのVinyl Factoryに相澤徹カルテット及び"タチバナ"に関することが丁寧なインタビューでめちゃくちゃ詳しく書かれていてめちゃくちゃおもしろく、感動さえする話だったので血を吐きながら超意訳しました。これ多分"タチバナ"に関して世界で一番詳しい文章ですよ。


How a Japanese medical student and local businessman made one of the most coveted records of all time



※All images from Vinyl Factory.




Title: How a Japanese medical student and local businessman made one of the most coveted records of all time 


相澤徹カルテットの"TACHIBANA (タチバナ)"というジャパニーズ・ジャズのトップ・レア・レコードは、このアルバムのタイトルにもなった橘郁二郎 (たちばないくじろう)という一人の男が投資し、彼のベースメントで録音させたアルバムである。そして彼はこのレコードを名刺代わりに配った。

Used as a business card by the man who funded the recording in his basement and after whom the album is named, Tohru Aizawa Quartet’s Tachibana is one of the rarest Japanese jazz records of all time. 


1975年3月30日。群馬県沼田市で成功していたドライブイン経営者である橘郁二郎(たちばな いくじろう)氏と手を組んだ4人のアマチュア・ミュージシャンは、レコーディングのために群馬にいた。それは彼らのファースト・アルバムであり、唯一のアルバムであり、本来ならば忘れ去られるはずのアルバムだった。しかしここ10年で色々なことがあり、そのレコードは「知られざるジャパニーズ・ジャズの世界」で最も崇拝され、求められるレコードの一つとなった。

On 30th March 1975, four young college students gathered in the presence of a wealthy local businessman, Ikujiroh Tachibana, in the town of Numata, Gunma Prefecture, about 90 miles north of Tokyo. The four amateur musicians were there to record their first and only album, an album that would remain forgotten for the next forty years. After labouring in obscurity for decades, the record has become one of the most revered and sought after artefacts in the esoteric world of Japanese modern jazz, emblematic of the fanatical culture and desire for perfection that pervades it.



But what is the story of this album, why is it so special, and how has it become a central totem in the wallet-bashing world of Japanese jazz collectors?



Let’s go back to March 1975 and the grand house of Ikujiroh Tachibana in Numata, Japan. Tachibana was a successful businessman and member of a prestigious family who could trace its lineage back to seventh century Japan. The Tachibana clan were, for several centuries, a powerful aristocratic family with close links to the imperial court, and the clan emblem or mon 紋 is used on the cover to the album.




Not only was Tachibana a respected and well-known local figure, he was also a big jazz fan. He would frequent local jazz clubs and bars and sometimes travel to nearby towns such as Maebashi and Isezaki – as well as Tokyo – to catch visiting American artists like trumpeter Charles Tolliver and pianist Mal Waldron, alongside home grown talent. One such band was the Tohru Aizawa Quartet, a group started in 1969 by two brothers, Kyochiro and Tetsuya Morimura.



Kychiro was a saxophonist and music student who later became a teacher, and Tetsuya was a drummer and law student. A few years younger than pianist Tohru Aizawa, they joined forces after hearing Aizawa perform at a music festival held in the medical school in Maebashi. (Aizawa, born in 1950, had moved there from Tokyo to study medicine. He would eventually graduate top of his class). Suitably impressed by Aizawa’s skills on the keys, the Morimura bothers decided to form a group and were joined by bass player Konzoh Watanabe, a fellow law student of Tetsuya Morimura.



They began gigging at local jazz spots, gaining something of a residency at Mokuba, a jazz spot in Maebashi owned by Kohichi Negishi. It was here that the group built a small but loyal following, among them local businessman and jazz fanatic, Ikujiroh Tachibana. He suggested that they make a record and he would finance it. Moreover, he would use the finished LP as a business card to promote himself and the band.



Quite what the recipients made of this was not recorded, but a few quizzical looks were no doubt shared. According to Aizawa maybe as few as 150-200 copies were manufactured, although nobody really knows, and it’s probably safe to assume several copies were discarded straight after being received. Unsurprisingly, using an LP as a business card didn’t catch on.




In the original album sleeve notes, reference is made to a handwritten note from Aizawa explaining the motivation for the group:



“We just created music we wanted to create. We are aware that music takes a different shape dependent on the ear of the listener. There are people who can appreciate it and others for whom it’s just noise – just a load of notes clumped together. We know it’s not to everyone’s taste but decided to push on and create for it for ourselves.”



アルバムはドラマーの森村哲也が作曲した"Philosopher's Stone"で幕を開けます。10代*2のアマチュア・プレイヤーがこれほど完成されたインプレッシブな楽曲を作曲し、さらに演奏しているということは、このバンドが才能にあふれている証です。森村哲也の兄弟であるサキソフォにスト、森村恭一郎はこのセッションのレコーディングと影響について次のように語ります。

The album opens with ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ written by drummer Tetsuya Morimura. For a teenage amateur player to compose and perform such an accomplished and impressive piece is a testament to the talent that the band contained. Testuya’s saxophonist brother Kiyoshiro describes the recording and the influences that went into the session:


「橘さんの群馬のホールでこのアルバムをレコーディングしたことは本当にいい記念になりました。レコーディングはトリオ ・レーベル (ケンウッド)のエンジニアによって行われました。そこにはスタインウェイのフルコンサートのグランドピアノが置かれていて、橘さんはズート・シムズ北村英治などを招いてコンサートを開催していました。そのホールはレコーディング・スタジオではないので、エンジニアはバランスなど非常に苦労していました。このホールでのレコーディングはそこで行ったどのライブ・ショウよりも楽しかったです。私はリテイク(録り直し)をした記憶がありませんので、楽曲の多くはワンテイクで録音したとおもいます。アルバムは売り物ではなく、橘さんが名刺として配っていたと思います。私はジョン・コルトレーン渡辺貞夫マイルス・デイヴィスウェイン・ショーターなどを好んでいました。哲也はトニー・ウィリアムスエルヴィン・ジョーンズを好んで聴いていました。」

“We thought it would be a nice memento so we went to Mr. Tachibana’s hall to record the album. It was recorded by someone from Trio Kenwood Records. At this hall, there was a Steinway full concert grand piano, and Mr. Tachibana invited famous musicians such as Zoot Sims, Eiji Kitamura and others to do concerts there. It was not a recording studio so they had difficulty getting the balance right. Just like any other live show that we regularly did, we had fun doing it. I don’t remember doing re-takes, so I think it was mostly done in one take. It was not commercially sold. I think it was given out by Mr. Tachibana in place of a business card. I listened to a lot of John Coltrane, Sadao Watanabe, Miles Davis and Wayne Shorter. My brother, Tetsuya, listened to a lot of Tony Williams and Elvin Jones.”

Tohru Aizawa Quartet - Philosopher's Stone - YouTube


そして曲はサキソフォニスト森村恭一郎が作曲した叙情的な素晴らしい楽曲"Sacrament"へと続く。彼はファラオ・サンダースや後期のジョン・コルトレーンに傾倒していた。長いイントロが明けるとバンドは一気にディープなサウンドへと変化していく。恭一郎のサキソフォンが火山のようなリズム・セクションの上で灼熱のブロウを聴かせる。次へ続く相澤自身が作曲した"Dead Letter"は彼曰く「自分の精神から湧き出してきた」という。

‘Philosopher’s Stone’ is followed by ‘Sacrament’, an epic modal composition by saxophonist Kiyochiro Morimura that fans of Pharaoh Sanders and late-era John Coltrane will appreciate. After an extended intro the band drop into a heavy, churning groove, Morimura’s saxophone scorching above the volcanic rhythm section. Aizawa’s own composition ‘Dead Letter’ is featured on the J-Jazz compilation. He says the track “just came out naturally, a spiritual outflow of myself.” 

Tohru Aizawa Quartet - Sacrament - YouTube


彼の名は多くの組織で見かけるが、これは彼が唯一吹き込んだ彼が作った楽曲となる。これまでのところ、この"Death Letter"以外では、彼のバンドが40年前に実際に演奏しているのを生で見た事がある幸運な人だけである。"Death Letter"の演奏は素晴らしく、勢いがありリズムとディープさ。マッコイ・タイナーの面影を感じるが、相澤自身の影響はビル・エヴァンスセロニアス・モンクチック・コリアから菊地雅章まで幅広い。

Although he has many other compositions to his name, this is the only one ever recorded. Thus far, all but ‘Dead Letter’ remain unheard outside of the lucky few who saw the band perform 40 years agoas. ‘Dead Letter’ is a performance of great bravura, a propulsive attack of rhythmic power and textural depth, redolent of McCoy Tyner at his most impactful. Aizawa’s own influences range from Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk and Chick Corea (Corea’s ‘La Fiesta’ is one of the two covers on the album) to Japanese jazz piano master, the late Masabumi Kikuchi.

Tohru Aizawa Quartet - Dead Letter - YouTube


そしてアルバムは"Samba De Orfeu (オルフェのサンバ)"の火傷するほどの熱量でラストを迎える。それは彼らの才能を表すかのような目覚ましいスピード感で突き進む。彼らの才能とポテンシャルを考えると、たった1枚のレコードを残しただけという事実が本当に信じられない。

The album finishes with a furious burn through the classic ‘Samba de Orfeu’, at such a speed it’s astonishing the band hold it together. An example of nascent talent, it’s hard not to ponder on the potential in a band that left just a single physical manifestation of their work.

Tohru Aizawa Quartet - Samba De Orfeu - YouTube



The artwork on the album was designed by Kohichi Negishi, owner of the Mokuba jazz spot in Maebashi where the band often played. A portrait of the band’s sponsor, the avuncular Tachibana himself, leaning with drink in hand, graces the inside of the gatefold sleeve. It is accompanied by a typically polite ‘thank you’ and a greeting in which he remarks at “how polished the record is for a band that rehearsed and played in between their studies”. He goes on to say that “they get better each time he hears them and is always moved by their performances”. Tantalisingly, he also states he “wants to create more records and find hidden gems” but no more recordings of the Tohru Aizawa Quartet were ever made. By the time the record was issued as Tachibana’s business card, Aizawa and the elder Morimura were hard at work with no time to devote to their music. 



相澤の場合、卒業後は彼の親族が経営する長野県松本市の病院に勤務し、今もそこで糖尿病のスペシャリストとして務めている。彼は今もたまに機会があればピアノを弾いているが、もう一度レコーディングするつもりはないという。他のメンバーは相澤が抜けた後数年ではあるが、バンドを続けたようである。森村恭一郎は吉田憲司のクインテットなどでも演奏し、森村哲也は 渡辺貞夫をフィーチャーした「赤い鳥コンサート」というソロアルバムをリリースしている*3。しかしこれらの活動のどれをとっても、あのアルバム"TACHIBANA"の強烈さとミステリアスに対抗できるものではなかった。


In the case of Tohru Aizawa himself, he went on to work as a doctor at his family hospital in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, where he continues to work today specialising in diabetes. He still plays piano occasionally but never again recorded. The other members did continue in music to some degree, albeit for only a few more years. Kyoishiroh Morimura played with the groups Sing Out and the Kenji Yoshida Quintet; sibling Testuya released a solo live recording album called Akai Tori Concert (Red Bird Concert) which featured Japanese jazz icon Sadao Watanabe as a guest. But none of their projects ever matched the intensity or mystery of Tachibana.
To Mr. Tachibana and the Tohru Aizawa Quartet, arigatou gozaimasu.




